Thursday, September 18, 2008

Sleep and Your Health

There are plenty of articles talking about the benefits of sleep and how it's great for your body, your mind & your emotions to rest and reconfigure. But, isn't it funny how we don't always prioritize sleep?

I woke up late this morning. And, I must confess, I did it on purpose. We all have different sleeping patterns and, while I can go a few nights at under 8 hours of sleep, I really need to burn some shut eye if I get less than 8 a couple of nights in a row.

While it definitely helps my physical body and my mental clarity, it gives the most benefit for my stress levels. When I wake up, things seem to be more orderly, more simple and I feel like I've already gotten something good out of my day - refreshing sleep.

One of our exhibitors, Good Night Sleep Wellness Center, are professionals at sleeping (lucky them, right?). They deal with sleep disorders and diagnose treatments. I'm kinda hoping they bring some sleep beds so I can take a nap at some point during the festival. Afternoon naps are awesome!

You can check them out here:

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