Thursday, December 4, 2008

Revolutionize your life!

Festival of the Wise is about to take off in Scottsdale, Arizona! For the last two years my business partners and I have been working to put together a program that would help people make changes in their lives. Whether you want to change the way you interact with money, the way you take care of your body, or the way you engage with your family, community and world…. Festival of the Wise has a topic for you. With more than 40 speakers covering topics in Travel, Lifestyle, Money, Health and Going Green, we are sure you will walk away with great new ideas.

One of our speakers and exhibitors is Revvell Revati, an author and speaker who will be talking about “Revolutionzing Your Life and the Planet with Raw Food”.

This topic looks at how your body is part of the environment and how what you consume impacts the entire world. Organic raw meals are by far the least damaging to our environment, but they are also a great way to provide your internal environment with the raw material it needs to stay healthy.

If you’ve always been wondering about the raw phenomenon that is sweeping the country, this is a great opportunity to find out more.

Revvell’s talk is just a small sample of the amazing speakers you can enjoy at the Festival of the Wise, Conference and Exhibition this weekend in Scottsdale, Arizona.

To find out more about the conference, please visit:

To find out more about Revvell, please visit:

Thursday, November 20, 2008


Starting a new business at this time - is anything but simple. We're finding that resilience and persistence is key to our current endeavor: Festival of the Wise (

We've garnered amazing support from a host of speakers, sponsors, exhibitors and partners and we're finding that resilience for us has a lot to do with community and like-minded people banding together to create something spectacular.

You can see all of our amazing program on our website, but I really felt like drawing attention today to Carol Orsborne and her talk: The Art of Resilience.

Here's a bit about it:

Resilience is the art of accepting and transcending pain.  The deeper the channels pain carves into your soul, the greater the capacity for joy your soul can contain.

Relying on stores, anecdotes and practice advice drawn from her book “The Art of Resilience” (Three Rivers Press), Dr. Carol Orsborn teaches the 10 stages of resilience.  The first stage is “The Point of Impact,” when the tendency is to avoid suffering at all costs.  Orsborn then guides us all the way to Stage 10, “Beyond Resilience,” at which point participants are summoned to be profoundly changed for the good by the very situations they have resisted.

Dr. Orsborn is a prominent public relations executive who jumped off the fast track to pursue a more fulfilling life.  She now serves as Senior Strategist with, a peer-to-peer information-sharing website for successful women 50+.  She draws upon her own life experiences as well as the experiences of the women in Vibrant Nation to show us how to move through and beyond disappointments. Her motivating compendium of anecdotes, Eastern and Western wisdom, and practical advice will make it easier to get through these tough times.

Topics covered include:

What surprising new sources of strength and wisdom allow us to utilize untapped problem-solving capabilities to address specific issues?

• What is a breakthrough model for optimizing opportunities that can provide guidance and inspiration for both good times and bad?

• What tools and techniques can help you gain on-the-spot clarity and perspective even when under fire?

• What does the latest research teach us about the most important qualities and characteristics of resilient people?

Monday, November 17, 2008

Change in Ticket Prices

We don’t want you to miss this event. We know it will help you get more out of life. And now, you can do it for less – we have a promotional code that will get you Festival of the Wise weekend passes for just $20!


Get access to a fun-filled weekend festival and conference that will help you live richer, live healthier, live longer, live smarter and live greener.


Starting Monday, November 17th - FOR THIS WEEK ONLY – Festival of the Wise has reduced weekend passes to $25 - down from $35!




You can get a further $5 off using our promo code: FOW


That brings the price of the weekend pass down to $20!


That’s just $10 a day - less than a movie ticket! And, it gives you easy access to the festival’s stimulating and uplifting content.


TICKET PRICES WILL GO UP NEXT WEEK. So, don’t miss your chance to save money on this action-packed event! It’s an experience you can’t afford to miss.

You can get your tickets here:


Don’t forget to insert our promotional code: FOW


The $20.00 weekend pass includes ALL activities at the Festival of the Wise on December 6th & 7th at the Scottsdale Center for the Performing Arts. Some of the highlights include:


*A comprehensive Conference with more than 40 dynamic speakers who will be helping attendees to transform their lives in the areas of money, health, lifestyle, going green and travel.

* Saturday evening Beatles Tribute Concert along with live music all weekend with bands covering the phenomenal music of the 60s & 70s.

* More than 50 exhibitors who will be showing attendees everything from better health choices, to sound financial planning to caregiving their parents.

* A Veteran’s tribute to honor those who have served our country.

* Low impact fitness classes that individuals can either use to learn more about pilates and yoga, or they can fully engage in the class.

* Muscle Car Rally with more than 30 of those amazing cars from the 60s.

* Boomer women’s fashion show with Miami designer activewear.

More information on the event is available here:

While you’re at the festival, be sure to visit us. We will be offering special discounts and giveaways for festival attendees  

It is going to be an exciting weekend of fun and music and we’re looking forward to seeing you there! 

Thursday, November 6, 2008

One Month To Go until Festival of the Wise!

And as you may have noticed I've been a bit inundated getting all the final details taken care of. We've just come out with a press release that highlights some of our amazing speakers. There are more than 40 now who are set to share their insights and tools for living a better, richer and more fulfilling life.

The list of conference speakers includes:

• #1 Spiritual Bestselling author, Joyce Schwarz, who will be presenting on her recent book: The Vision Board, Unlock the Secret to an Extraordinary Life.

• National Geographic Author, Don Mankin, who wrote Riding the Hula Hula to the Arctic Ocean and will be speaking on The Transformative Power of Adventure Travel.

• Vice President of Wealth Management for APIC, Gregg R. Paulson who will be addressing the Power Years and how to be financially powerful even with the recent stock market collapse.

• The founder of Brainsavers, Dr. Paul E. Bendheim, will speak on the Healthy Habits of a Total Lifestyle, which includes both mental and physical stimulation and nutrition.

• David Mitchell, AARP State Director - Arizona, will address the 50+ worker in the business environment and the best way for both employers and employees to maximize the benefits of experience and age.

• Over 35 other speakers ranging on subjects from intimacy and international volunteering to raw food and alternative energy to retiring overseas and understanding the spiritual laws of money.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Boomer Fashion Show scheduled!

Do you remember what your mother wore? Polyester pants suits? Synthetic blouses? Clothes that in and of themselves would make even a teenager look old. As a kid I thought that's just what you did. You grew up and then just started dressing bad. (This from the girl in the tie-dyed shirt and paisley bell bottoms... yes indeed.)

But, well, fortunately I was wrong. There is a whole world of fashion out there for the sporty-active adult who doesn't want to look like a teenager or even a 20 year old anymore... well, okay, maybe it wouldn't be bad to look like a 20 year old, but I for one wouldn't want to go back to the style of my 20s... leather jacket and cosmo-rocket tights. Yikes.

So, here we have it. Mature, grown up and very fashionable. Anatomie is putting on a fabulous boomer women's fashion show at the Festival of the Wise. We've just finished scheduling it, so it's going to be on Saturday morning, at 11:30am 

You're going to want to make sure you're there to see it.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

The Phenomenal Music of the 60s & 70s


We've got the BackBeats coming to town to give you a special Beatles Tribute Concert on Saturday Night at Sunset. Bring your blankets, grab a glass of wine and settle in to hear your favorite Beatles tunes. 

The rest of the weekend we've got the greatest hits of the 60s & 70s being played by some of Arizona's hottest bands. Cold Shott & the Hurricane Horns, C.C. Ryder Express, Rhythm Fire, Decades Too Late & Barrio Latino are going to keep you dancing all weekend long. 

For more information on the bands, please visit:

For more information on the event and the bands, please visit: 

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Giving Back to our Community

One of the tenants of our organization is the idea of giving back to our community and supporting causes that have touched our lives.

We're happy today to have added the Alzheimer's Association, desert southwest chapter to our growing list of favorite charities.

The Desert Southwest Chapter of the Alzheimer's Association is a 501(c)3 non-profit charitable organization incorporated in the State of Arizona and governed by a local board of directors. While we are an affiliate of the National Alzheimer's Association based in Chicago, all our work is devoted to providing service and support to Alzheimer's patients, family members and caregivers throughout Arizona and southern Nevada.

You can read more about our charities here:

Monday, September 29, 2008

The Boomer and The Babe Show

Radio for grown ups, as AARP might say!

In Phoenix there is a talk radio show addressing all the boomer concerns. It's not actually official yet, but The Boomer & The Babe Show are going to be partnering together with the Festival of the Wise.

The Boomer and The Babe Show is a one-hour LIVE radio broadcast that airs every Tuesday and Thursday at 9:00 AM Arizona/MST and Pacific Daylight Time on KFNX News-Talk Radio. Tune your radio to 1100 AM or if you are outside Arizona, listen live via your computer at

The program is directed to the 50 plus market, with a particular emphasis on the active, healthy, working and vibrant boomer lifestyle.

The co-hosts of the show, Pete Peters and Deborah Brown, are boomers themselves and feel like they know as well as anyone else what boomers want to hear about.

We're really lucky that they're going to be in person at our event, emceeing our stages and having a great time with the rest of us.

You an see their site at:

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Boomers Dealing with Wall Street Jitters

I've been reading a lot online about what is happening on Wall Street. I wish I had something positive to say about it, but I'm not actually sure that I do. It seems the $700 billion government lifeline to our failing financial institutions hasn't exactly stabilized Wall Street. In fact, it appears shakier than ever.

So, what is a close-to-retirement-maybe boomer to do? It'd be nice if there were some pat answer to that. The cure-all potion, the red-hot button that would just fix everything. But, there isn't. Even as it stands, the majority of 55+ Americans have less than $250,000 in assets. And with what just happened on Wall Street, that number probably just grew.

My mother initially retired at 65. She was really happy about it. She was tired of her job and wanted to spend her time drawing and enjoying her farm. What she found out is that she was comfortable with her income. So 2 years later, she went back to work. She didn't officially retire again for another 5 years. Finally, at 73 she stopped working. The good news, is that she was considered such a vital part of her organization, they called her a few months later and asked if she would please at least consult for them. She refused and we went to Indonesia for a month instead.

Watching my mother work until she was 73 certainly made me want to watch my money a lot more closely and start planning for my retirement. With, yes, the mixture of investments both in real estate and on the market. Because of my desire to save heavily now, I often find myself not wanting to spend too much money just to 'have fun'...

BUT, of course, what is the point if we aren't having fun?! I recently heard of a woman who died alone in her home. She had $3million in the bank.

I know that in my life there has always been food on the table, a roof over my head, a sunrise or a sunset to enjoy and, most importantly, there has always been my friends and family with laughter, love and good cheer.

I do know that my true needs in life are very few and I am blessed with abundance in those areas.

As you probably know we have a MoneyWise track at our conference in December. Our concept is to look not simply at balancing the check book, but at changing our perspectives on money.

Friday, September 19, 2008

My Neighbours Aren't Boomers

Well, its Friday late afternoon and I've been in meetings since 8:30am with a jam packed day, so I don't know that I'm going to have a huge epiphany here. In fact, the only thing that comes to mind is taking a nap on the couch as the sunsets. 

I was talking to a marketing partner today and he told me a funny story about how his company came to focus on boomers. Without permission to recap the story, I'm simply going to give you the highlights... Essentially, a wet-behind-the-ears young business person made a reference to them what they needed to do to invest in their business. Having been in business and investing in it for numerous, numerous, numerous years... the man felt that, well, this other person just didn't get him or his business. It was in that moment that he decided to focus simply on boomers.

Last night, as my neighbours drunk and rowdy friends were yelling outside my bedroom window @ 2am, I was wishing somtehing along the same lines. That my neighbours were boomers. Nice, fun-loving, free spirited but respectful... boomers. 

Have a great weekend all!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Sleep and Your Health

There are plenty of articles talking about the benefits of sleep and how it's great for your body, your mind & your emotions to rest and reconfigure. But, isn't it funny how we don't always prioritize sleep?

I woke up late this morning. And, I must confess, I did it on purpose. We all have different sleeping patterns and, while I can go a few nights at under 8 hours of sleep, I really need to burn some shut eye if I get less than 8 a couple of nights in a row.

While it definitely helps my physical body and my mental clarity, it gives the most benefit for my stress levels. When I wake up, things seem to be more orderly, more simple and I feel like I've already gotten something good out of my day - refreshing sleep.

One of our exhibitors, Good Night Sleep Wellness Center, are professionals at sleeping (lucky them, right?). They deal with sleep disorders and diagnose treatments. I'm kinda hoping they bring some sleep beds so I can take a nap at some point during the festival. Afternoon naps are awesome!

You can check them out here:

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

The Power of the Mind

The Festival of the Wise has been a work in progress for about 2.5 years. It started as a name of an event that popped into my head sitting in a coffee shop in Santa Monica with one of the other co-founders. We were discussing a number of different ideas and so we left the cafe with about 5 or 6 and decided to focus on a different one.

About a month later I mentioned the festival to one other person. He seized the idea, thought it was amazing, said he wanted in, pitched himself to us and we got our third partner.

For a year the 3 of us looked at the idea, developed it, built the concept out, selected the location, and worked towards a solid vision of the event. We still needed more help and so we visioned it. Out of the blue, we got our fourth person who has been instrumental in building our concept to a reality.

Sometimes when we look at how it's developed, it's clear to see that we haven't always known "How" it was going to happen. We just knew it was going to happen.

One irreplaceable source of strength in our development has been life coaching, which we received from Sophia Chao, here in Los Angeles. Constantly she reminds us to visualize our goal and not focus on the trials and tribulations we are crossing to get there.

We believe this type of Life Coaching is a crucial support system that pulls us out of the mundane and allows us to truly be involved in the dynamic creative process, which this festival is for us.

We're brining life coaching to our event in a number of ways. Both on our main stage and with our Lifestyle sessions.

You can find out more about our main stage speakers here:

And more about our lifestyle sessions here:

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

The World According to Wall Street

So, after taking a deep breath, I look at the wall street journal... And, well, as we all know, it's not pretty out there. In fact, I don't even really want to look, but, you have to right? You've got to keep track of your finances and know what's going on in the world, in your business and in your retirement accounts. And mine took the worst hit in the last month they've ever taken. Thank goodness I have the better part of my money in real estate. While it's definitely taken a hit, if I keep it for another 15 or 20 years, chances are it'll bounce back.

Well, let's face it, we've got to make ends meet and to do that, we've got to not only understand more about money, but we've got to know about where we are in our lives and, even, about our own mental financial blueprint. These are some of the topics we're going to be looking at in our MoneyWise conference track. We realize money isn't all about numbers. While numbers are important, the psychology of your past experiences and your future goals are intricately connected to your financial manifestation. So, while yes, some sessions are going to look at counting money, earning money and investing money, others are going to be about you and how you interact with money.

You can see some of the sessions we're offering here:

Monday, September 15, 2008

What to Wear?

I'm always asking myself this question. Fortunately for me I'm blessed to have a family member who's a clothes designer so clothes are often delivered to my door, in my size and in my colors. I have to admit, I still get stuck on the what do I wear TODAY? question! But, in my family, we don't do activewear, which I personally love. It's fashionable, it's flexible and I get to stay comfortable all day long! I was thrilled when Kate at Anatomie approached us and suggested putting on a fashion show at the festival. We're going to have it on Saturday, so you won't want to miss it!

You can see some of Anatomie's great fashion here:

Friday, September 12, 2008

Yoga, Pilates & Tai Chi - the Fitness Sessions

Okay, so I just got back from a run. Well, it wasn't running... it was jogging. Avid joggers would probably call it more of a slow-motion trot. Regardless, it's new to me. I have to admit, running has never really been my thing because it seems so strenuous and well, you sweat. Why have I taken it up? Well, when I have a lot of work on my plate and I've been sitting at my computer for a long period of time it helps to clear my head (I can only focus on the effort) and get outdoors to see my neighbors gardens. I don't actually stop to smell the flowers, just smile at them as I jog by.  

One thing I've always done for my health is yoga and, in the last few years, I added pilates. I have found these to be excellent ways to keep limber, physically toned and mentally centered. I started yoga when I was 20. I fractured my back when I was 17 and the ONLY thing that relieved the chronic pain was yoga. Adding pilates helped to strengthen my core muscles, which support my back even more, especially since I tend to spend copious hours hunched over a keyboard.

If you've never tried yoga, pilates or tai chi... you're in for a treat. We're bringing them to the festival. If you have tried them, you'll be happy to know you can nip out of a conference session and over to a yoga class. Like the music and conference, the fitness classes are included in the price of admission.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

September 11th

Today my heart goes out to the victims of September 11th and all the Soldiers who have fought, been injured or lost their lives since America was attacked in 2001.

Like the assassination of JFK and man's first footstep on the moon... September 11th is a day when we will all remember where we were when we heard the news.

At Festival of the Wise we are honoring both Veterans and Memories.

On Sunday there will be a Veterans Tribute recognizing all the sacrifices and efforts that the men and women of our armed forces have made to protect the freedoms of this great country. 

You can read more about it here:

Throughout the festival we are also have a booth set up called: Words from the Wise where you can record your experiences and stories for posterity. This is a great way to share where you were when a world event happened and how it affected you. 

I asked my father where he was when we landed on the moon and he told me an amazing story about listening to the moon landing while flying a commercial jet. My father was a pilot and it was enriching to hear his first hand account of something I don't remember. No doubt, one day, I will be telling my children where I was when I heard the news of September 11th, 2001.

You can read more about Words from the Wise here:

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Green Boomers

As someone who has been known to get upset by the amount of plastic wrapping vegetables in the grocery store, I was terribly pleased when it became obvious that we needed to add a green track to our conference program! With 1 out of every 2 Boomers in America considering themselves 'Green Boomers' it only makes sense that we respond.

We've called it the GreenWise track and it's going to incorporate some great topics such as: 

"Going Green on a Budget"
"Simple Ways to Lessen Your Carbon Footprint"
"Can I really Save Using Solar Paneling?"

You can read the press release here:

We're also looking for additional presenters for this conference track so if you've got something you want to talk about fill out a presenter for and send it in. You can get the presenter form here:

Other conference tracks include: health, travel, lifestyle, technology & money.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Boomers : Finding Passion and Purpose

So, it's 6pm and I finally turn to our BoomerWise blog, which is fun for me to write. But, my head, when tossing around ideas of what to write about, only seems to be giving me one word:


Well, I guess that's because for me, its been one of those work days. The day when the minute you get off the phone - it rings again and again and again - and five phone calls later the 2 projects you started the day with are buried beneath 5 new urgent items. 

Fortunately for me, I'm extremely passionate about my work and believe in the value of what I'm working on everyday. I made the decision in the last couple of years to switch industries and roles and take up my current position. More and more we are seeing this type of mid-career switch is also true for boomers. They want to be in a job they truly care about.

Boomerz is the Scottsdale boomer association that is specifically focused on recareering and the Festival of the Wise is very fortunate to have Cindy Cooke, the director of Boomerz, moderating a panel they developed called:

Passion & Purpose: Finding Flexible and Meaningful Opportunities in Mid-Life

This panel will feature boomers who will share their personal journeys, the reasons for the major changes they made in mid-life, their doubts, sacrifices, and joys they encountered along the way.

You can find out more about this talk here:

And more about Boomerz here:

Monday, September 8, 2008

Happy Grandparents Day!

Grandparent's day was yesterday, September 7th. I was reminded of it when our awesome speaker, Pat Burns, sent me an email. With more than 1/2 the grandparents in America being baby boomers, it's little wonder Pat's written a Grandparenting guide for the Rock and Roll generation. It's called Grandparents Rock! and it was released yesterday. She'll be speaking on this topic in our lifestyle section of our conference.

I miss my grandparents. None of them are with us anymore, but I'm so grateful to have had the experience of knowing two of them, my dad's Mom and my mom's Dad.

Grandparents are amazing. Besides camping trips, Christmas presents and pumpkin pie they also gave me two things that are priceless:

1. Words that will live with me forever.
2. A personal insight into the world over the last century.

For my grandmother I remember her saying things like, "You don't have to worry about that Mary Ellen, she's going to be okay no matter what." Those words have carried me through any tough time I ever had. (fyi - Mary Ellen's my proper name). And one of my favorite things my Opa said was, "You have a no, you can get a yes!" Many, many, many requests I have made in my life have come from that statement. I have been amazed how many times I have gotten a yes.

The world my grandparents knew is not like the world I grew up in. They gave me a window into a world I only knew from the history books. Grandma Isa lived through the depression in Iowa and my Opa (Grandfather in Dutch) was a prisoner of war in World War II and helped build the bridge over the river Kwai. Their stories made history and the world come alive for me.

I'm blessed to have known my grandparents. I still miss them on family holidays and I definitely feel that they are always there watching over me.

Thanks for the reminder, Pat!

You can check out Pat's book here:

And see more of our LifeWise sessions here:

Friday, September 5, 2008

Let's Go!, Lonely Planet & National Geographic

Okay, so, I'm not going to hide the fact that I'm not a boomer. In fact, I turn 40 on November 21st, right before our first Festival. However, the truth is, I've been following in the footsteps of boomers my whole life and even wearing their hand-me-downs (I'm the youngest of 5 kids with a 10 year age span). 

One of my greatest passions is traveling. At 18 I set off for Europe, at 21 I left Europe for my first trip around the world. Without boomer developed publications, I never would have been able to do it. My first guide book was Let's Go! Europe and as I set off for Nepal, Indonesia and Zimbabwe, I started buying up Lonely Planet guides (I probably should have bought shares in the company!). But, ever since I was born I have been surrounded by a large and growing collection of those fabulous yellow magazines of far-flung places: National Geographic. 

That is why I was SO thrilled to discover Don Mankin, a world adventurer and National Geographic published author was going to speak in our travel conference! I mean, really... This is the guy who wrote: "Riding the Hulahula to the Arctic Ocean".  His topic is: The Transformative Power of Adventure Travel.

I know I'm supposed to be working that weekend, but, well, I think you'll know where to find me when Don is speaking!

You can see more about his session here: 

And more about his book here:

Thursday, September 4, 2008


Today kicks off AARP's National Convention in Washington D.C. with a special focus on their 50th year anniversary. Last year I was there to enjoy the event. There was a great opening ceremony with Michael & Kirk Douglas, many great speakers and exhibitors. This year, I'm in the office and my colleagues are having all the fun!

Over the last 10 years AARP has been rebranding themselves to gear to the mass migration of baby boomers into the AARP target market and it certainly shows in their line up of talent, such as Natalie Cole & Chaka Khan in concert tonight. Some people argue that they have not quite turned the tide, with public opinion still seeing them as that 'old people' organization. However, it is obvious that with Baby Boomers enter their 50+ years, without a doubt, AARP is set to be the largest Baby Boomer organization in America.

If you can't make it to D.C. today, you should plan to see what they're doing in Las Vegas in 2009!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Welcome to the Festival of the Wise blog!

Festival of the Wise was established on the principle of supporting the lifestyle that Boomers love and helping them to live their lives to the fullest, enjoy every moment and lead the way for those who follow.

Our primary event is the Festival of the Wise that is launching in Scottsdale, Arizona on December 6 & 7 of 2008.

This truly unique and exciting two-day music and arts festival for baby boomers – the Wise community - will be at the beautiful Scottsdale Center for the Performing Arts.

What is so unique about another music and arts festival?

We've added a stimulating, six-track conference to the mix! The conference tracks of Festival of the Wise are going to cover topics in the areas of Finance, Greening, Health, Travel, Lifestyle and Technology all geared towards Baby Boomers.

While we've been filling up the conference tracks, we also want to make sure we don't miss any topics that are important to you. So, if you've got something you want to know more about, just drop us a line and let us know.

You can reach me personally via: or post here.