Festival of the Wise is about to take off in Scottsdale, Arizona! For the last two years my business partners and I have been working to put together a program that would help people make changes in their lives. Whether you want to change the way you interact with money, the way you take care of your body, or the way you engage with your family, community and world…. Festival of the Wise has a topic for you. With more than 40 speakers covering topics in Travel, Lifestyle, Money, Health and Going Green, we are sure you will walk away with great new ideas.
One of our speakers and exhibitors is Revvell Revati, an author and speaker who will be talking about “Revolutionzing Your Life and the Planet with Raw Food”.
This topic looks at how your body is part of the environment and how what you consume impacts the entire world. Organic raw meals are by far the least damaging to our environment, but they are also a great way to provide your internal environment with the raw material it needs to stay healthy.
If you’ve always been wondering about the raw phenomenon that is sweeping the country, this is a great opportunity to find out more.
Revvell’s talk is just a small sample of the amazing speakers you can enjoy at the Festival of the Wise, Conference and Exhibition this weekend in Scottsdale, Arizona.
To find out more about the conference, please visit:
To find out more about Revvell, please visit:
Helen Imojean Delaney Harris (1898-1981)
1 week ago